My name’s Ray Slater Berry, I’m the founder of dslx: a SaaS content agency that works with dyslexic and minority group writers. I’m dyslexic, I’m gay, and I’m a minority in tech.
My journey to this point was in no way easy, and I learned a lot along the way. I want to share with you the five essential lessons I learned as a dyslexic launching a business in a sector you wouldn’t think we’re welcome in.
The history of dslx: coming out as Dyslexic
During my school years, I always had a passion for writing and storytelling but was constantly frustrated with myself, as it never came easily. My work was always corrected by teachers with comments like “silly mistakes, Ray.” I was infuriated I hadn’t spotted these mistakes sooner and was constantly reminded to proofread my work properly, despite my best efforts.
I’d also run out of time in my written exams and find my hand ached after writing just 2-3 paragraphs. I’d be pushing the pen to the paper so hard in an effort to create and see the shapes that others know as words.
It wasn’t until I got to Falmouth University that I ran the test for dyslexia, found out I was dyslexic, and everything clicked into place.

Although I was supported by my University academically, I didn’t receive the emotional or psychological support I needed. This made it tough for me to come out as dyslexic in any job after I graduated. I thought my dyslexia would hinder my chances of being hired or progressing in a career in content.
Fast-forward to today:
I’m a full-time writer and agency owner.
I’m a published fiction author, with a psychological thrill: Golden Boy.

I lead with my dyslexia in business.
These are the lessons I’ve learned, which I hope can inspire your own professional growth journey, using dyslexia as your sidekick.
5 Lessons I learned building my content agency
Lesson 1: Own your dyslexia, don’t let it own you
The first lesson is to own your dyslexia. Don’t let it own you. I know this is easier said than done, and it’s definitely more of a practice than an instant process switch.
If you take a look at the dslxwebsite, you’ll notice there are little monsters running all over the place. These monsters spell out dyslexic. They are the very things that hindered me as a child. Today, however, I look at them differently. They allow me to think more creatively and give my writing an edge that I don’t think I’d have if dyslexia wasn’t in my life.
Today, I embrace my monsters.

Lesson 2: Find your strengths and lean on them
When you launch a business, there’s a lot you’ll need to do. People often advise that you’ll need to wear many hats. That’s not the case! Pick your hat and stick with it. Outsource the rest. Find people that specialize in the areas you don’t.
For a year, I was running my own monthly invoicing. It was taking me around three days to collect billing information, manually create the invoices, send them out, and follow up on missed payments. I outsourced this to an accountant, and what took me three days takes her a couple of hours, freeing up my time to do what I love.
You are in your business because you’re great at what you do. Pick your battles, and recruit experts in areas where you fall short. You can’t do it all, and that’s okay!
Lesson 3: Don’t be afraid to ask for help
You’ll be surprised by the number of people that want to help you but are simply waiting for you to ask. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of trust. By asking for help, you’ll build stronger relationships and receive diverse inputs as you build your idea.
You’re also promoting yourself and reminding your network of the mission you’re on. You stay at the front of their minds so that if an opportunity comes up within their extended network, your name is first on their lips.
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Lesson 4: Learn the tools, resources, and skills you need
A big one is to find the tools and resources you need to get your work done. In my field, there are definitely copywriting skills to learn that will help you master the craft. However, perhaps in your case, there’s great tech out there to help you achieve your job.
For example, I relied on Grammarly quite heavily at the beginning of my writing career. As I’ve grown as a writer, I find I rely on it less and less.
Onboard the tools and resources you need now, don’t be afraid to pay for them and know that they’re not forever. See it as an investment.
Lesson 5: Lead with empathy for those coming next
Many SaaS brands come to us looking for specialized SaaS content writers. These particular writers are hard to come by. However, we’ve got a pool of over 40 of them that we work with regularly and can trust.
What’s more, these SaaS brands trust us to supply them with stellar SaaS content writers that they don’t need to vet.
Why do we have this trust as such a new business? I firmly believe it’s because of our values and our effort to lead with empathy. We try to empathize with our clients, their customers, and all writers. We’re transparent in our communication, relatable, and admit our mistakes.
This method has earned us a lot of respect and trust in a short amount of time. We don’t throw our weight around claiming we’re the best SaaS content agency on the market. But we’ll do our darned best to prove it. Don’t tell them, show them.
When you lead with empathy, you remind your customers that you’re human, that you’ll make mistakes, and that it’s okay for them to make mistakes too. It builds stronger working relationships and a safe space for people to be their authentic selves.
Wrapping up: what’s next for dslx?
Well, what’s next for this content agency? Firstly, we’re always hosting SaaS writing opportunities if you’re on the lookout for your next challenge!
Secondly, we hope to expand our client base and our team in the coming year. We’re knuckling down on processes, inbound marketing strategies, and price plans.
I hope that we’ll continue to grow, that we’ll be ready for growth, and that we’ll keep inspiring dyslexic writers and entrepreneurs. You can achieve whatever you put your mind to.
Thanks for reading.